Intensive efforts of road safety essential for human life |
Deputy Inspector General of Police Shri Dharmendra Choudhary, during a meeting of nodal officers of Road Safety Committee said that intensive efforts of road safety are essential for protection of human life. If even one human life can be saved with the efforts of various departments towards road safety, it is a pious work. Shri Choudhary explained the need of camps related to rood safety in schools and colleges to make aware youth. Shri Choudhary discussed issues like black spot, budget, license cancellation, excess of accidents in rural areas etc. He said that the concerned departments should promptly work rgarding their responsibilities so that road safety efforts are fruitful. He also informed about the efforts of road safety for public awareness. Other important topics and suggestions were also discussed in line with the instructions of State Road Safety Implementation Committee and Madhya Pradesh State Road Safety Council. On this occasion, nodal officers of the respective departments including AIG Police Shri Prashant Sharma were present. |
Friday, May 17, 2019
Intensive efforts of road safety essential for human life
एसीसी की निर्माण सलाहकार पहल के जरिये हजारों राजमिस्त्रियों, ठेकेदारों और घर बनाने वालों को प्रदान की गई तकनीकी सहायता
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