Wednesday, October 27, 2021

*Union Bank of India is observing Vigilance Awareness Week from 26th October to 1st November*

 Mumbai – October 27, 2021: Union Bank of India is observing Vigilance Awareness Week from 26th October to 1st November on the theme, " Independent India@75: Self-reliance with integrity” as envisaged by the Central Vigilance Commission. Various programmes / webinars are scheduled by the Bank for creating awareness among youth, women, employees, their family members and the public at large, mostly through online channels. Extensive use of social media is also being made for wider dissemination of the theme.

On this occasion a Cartoon Book on PIDPI, Daily Alert Series “Dainik Satarkata” & Monthly Series on case studies on Frauds, “Satarkata Se Safalta” was also unveiled by Board of Directors, Executive Directors & CVO.

At Central Office of Union Bank of India, Board of Directors & Senior Executives of the Bank have adopted Integrity Pledge & committed to uphold highest standards of honesty & Integrity. MD & CEO Shri Rajkiran Rai G. through his message appealed all the unionites to follow probity, transparency & integrity in all walks of life.

The message of President, Vice-President, Prime Minister & Central Vigilance Commissioner on Vigilance Awareness Week-2021 was communicated to all the attendees.

एसीसी की निर्माण सलाहकार पहल के जरिये हजारों राजमिस्त्रियों, ठेकेदारों और घर बनाने वालों को प्रदान की गई तकनीकी सहायता

 एसीसी ने अपनी निर्माण सलाहकार पहल के तहत घर बनाने वालों, राजमिस्त्रियों और ठेकेदारों को सशक्त बनाने की दिशा में उठाया एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम • ए...