Thursday, September 3, 2020

*Heartfulness Institute to host a panel discussion to celebrate Teachers Day“It Takes Big Hearts to Shape Young Minds”*

Hyderabad, 03 September 2020: As a part of the gratitude to all the teachers, Heartfulness institute is hosting a panel discussion to celebrate Teachers Day on It Takes Big Hearts to Shape Young Minds. The panel discussion is scheduled for Saturday, September 5th from 5:00 PM- 06:30 PM IST. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly added to the challenges faced by already over-extended education systems throughout the world. At the same time, COVID-19 has sparked a new form of appreciation for the educators as they have stepped up in making sure the learning continues regardless of the situation. The field of education is one of the mediums through which we can achieve holistic development. Now more than ever the educators have a special role to play. A role in which they inspire, entice & ignite young minds to engender a new humanity that is more caring and aspirational. 


Eminent personalities from the education sector Mr. Priyank Kanoongo, Chairperson, NCPCR (National Commission for Protection of Child Rights), Ms. K. Sandhya Rani, IPoS., Commissioner (Former), Dept. of School Education, Andhra Pradesh among others will attend as panelists and address teachers, and parents who look forward to safe and modern education.


Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Vamsi C, Joint Secretary - Heartfulness Institute said, Especially, changes happening in the education system puts teachers in a constant state of adaptation which is key to success. Learn, unlearn and relearn is the new mantra and it certainly takes a big heart to accomplish that. It is through continued self-less acts they create an effective learning environment that endeavors to increase the learning potential of their students. Need of the hour is to enlighten young minds by empowering their hearts through instinctive learning and intuitive guidance. A teacher is like the candle which lights others in consuming itself.”


On this year’s Teachers day, as a note of “appreciation” and “inspiration”, Heartfulness Education Trust is planning a “National level Webinar” for all stakeholders including Teachers, Management and Parents, bringing them together on a virtual podium. This webinar will be for 90 minutes with the main focus on a well-organized and moderated Panel Discussion that includes eminent personalities as panelists with experience in the field of education. The panel discussion will be interspersed with several interactive questions to engage the participants. This will not only allow all teachers to “feel special” on this day, but also get their questions and doubts clarified by the panelists. Overall, it will be an event of “Celebration and Joy”. We will also have a short session of guided meditation for about 15 – 20 minutes to end the program with, to allow all teachers to achieve a state of centeredness and relaxation and allow them to reflect upon their own inner state of well-being. 


The webinar can be accessed at - 


About Heartfulness:


Heartfulness ( is a lifestyle based on simple meditative practices and skills. It has been around for over 100 years. Heartfulness helps people find inner calm, peace, and stillness. The simple practices are offered to people of all walks of life, cultures, religious beliefs, and economic situations, over the age of 15, free of charge. With over 4 million practitioners, Heartfulness has been adopted in thousands of schools and colleges, and over 250,000 professionals have been introduced to Heartfulness in corporations, non-governmental and government bodies worldwide. More than 5,000 Heartfulness Centers are supported by over 13,000 certified volunteer trainers in 160 countries.

एसीसी की निर्माण सलाहकार पहल के जरिये हजारों राजमिस्त्रियों, ठेकेदारों और घर बनाने वालों को प्रदान की गई तकनीकी सहायता

 एसीसी ने अपनी निर्माण सलाहकार पहल के तहत घर बनाने वालों, राजमिस्त्रियों और ठेकेदारों को सशक्त बनाने की दिशा में उठाया एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम • ए...